We recognize the importance of personal information and have established and implemented this Privacy Policy to ensure the protection of such information.
We collect personal information when you place an order, register as a member, apply for a present, subscribe to a newsletter, make an inquiry, or fill out a questionnaire using this website.
Personal information collected when ordering products, registering as a member, applying for gifts, subscribing to email newsletters, or completing shopping surveys through this website will be handled only in Japan, and measures will be taken to prevent the risk of loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage. We will also ensure that all employees of the shop manage the information safely and handle it appropriately in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. In addition, when personal information is provided to a third party with the customer's consent, we will take steps to prevent leakage or re-provision of personal information by the third party.
Inquiries from customers regarding personal information
When we receive the following requests from customers regarding their own personal information, we will establish a contact point to respond to the inquiry.
*Disclosure of personal information
*Withdrawal of part or all of the consent for the use of personal information
If you wish to inquire about your personal information, please be advised that you will be asked to enclose a copy of your residence certificate or driver's license for identification purposes, and a fixed-sum money order for 750 yen as a handling fee in the case of disclosure, modification, or deletion.
Disclosure, Provision, and Destruction of Personal Information
We may disclose your personal information in the following cases
*If it is found that a customer has committed an act that is detrimental to the rights, interests, or reputation of another customer or our company, we may notify that party, the police, or related agencies of the customer's personal information.
*We may disclose your personal information to the police or other relevant authorities or government agencies if they request disclosure of your personal information.
After the personal information is no longer necessary for our business, we will destroy the personal information without delay and without leaking it to any third party, except in the following cases
*When it is required to be retained in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations
*When we have the consent of the person in question
*When there are reasonable grounds for not deleting the personal information in cases where the Shop retains personal information to the extent necessary for the performance of its own operations.
*In addition to the cases listed in the preceding three items, there is a special reason for not erasing the relevant personal information.
Acquisition of Access Logs
The Shop collects access logs for this site. Access logs include information such as the IP address of the person accessing the site, host name, type of browser and operating system used, and access date and time, but they do not include any information that can identify individuals. Access logs are collected for the purpose of improving the convenience of the site in the future, tracking down the cause of any problems that may occur, and for statistical and analytical processing regarding usage conditions, and will not be used for any other purposes.
当ショップでは本サイトを閲覧された時など、お客様により良いサービスを提供するために、ご使用デバイスを識別するCookie情報を記録する事がありますが、これにより個人を特定できる情報の収集を行えるものではございません。 ご使用になるブラウザの設定によって、本サイトから送付されるクッキー情報の受取を拒否する事ができます。その場合、本サイトの一部サービスが正常に動作しない可能性がございます。
当ショップでは、本サイトのアクセスログを取得しています。 アクセスログは、アクセスされた方のIPアドレス、ホスト名、ご利用のブラウザやOSの種類、アクセス日時などの情報が含まれますが、個人を特定できる情報を含むものではございません。 アクセスログは、今後のサイトの利便性向上や、万一問題が発生した際の原因追及、利用状況に関する統計・分析処理などに使用するために採取しており、それ以外の目的には使用いたしません。